Cabot Church of Christ Youth

 Sunday/Wednesday Class 


Morning worship 8:45 & 10:45 am

Class 9:45 am

Evening worship 5:00 pm

Wednesday evening: 

6:30 pm

The youth ministry serves as an aid to the spiritual growth and development of the teenagers at Cabot Church of Christ. The youth ministry coordinates many events throughout the year to help the teens grow closer to Christ and each other. The ultimate goal of the youth ministry is to empower teens with the knowledge and awareness to take a proactive role in transforming their lives into the likeness of Christ. The youth ministry is led by our youth minister, Tyler Vesperman.


Payments for events:  Payments for events can be placed in one of the envelopes used for contribution and put in the contribution box or you can slide it under Tyler's office door.  Envelopes need to be labeled with the student's name and the name of the event.

Please check the Youth Ministry .Band app for full event details. The events listed below might not include all important information.



Hang Out at the Huff's


Graduate Service

MAY 19

7th Grade Welcome Party

June 2

Summer Kick-off

June 15 - June 20

Uplift @ Harding University; Registration Is open


Kickstart Orientation (Highway Mission Trip)

JUNE 23-27

Kickstart (Highway Mission Trip)

JULY 4-13

Wilderness Trek

JULY 21-27

Camp Xapa' (name changed from Chara)

Forms & Links

Click the arrow to the right to view forms & links.

(update contact information, extracurricular activities, event links, permission forms, new student forms)

Stay Connected

Join us on Instagram & Facebook, and our new communication app "BAND"

Click the icons to subscribe


New Youth Group Communication Platform

Effective December 15th, 2023, the youth group has switched from using the REMIND app to the free BAND app for communication purposes and to improve efficiency.  We highly recommend that you join the youth ministry's group on the BAND App.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Tyler.   

(For security purposes, parents and teens must sign up using their real names and answer the entry questions, otherwise access will be denied and/or delayed. We need to be able to identify you!)

10/01/23 Parent Info Meeting

The Wilderness Trek parent meeting video has been uploaded for those who missed it or would like to listen again for future reference.   

Click on the document below to reference while watching the video.

Trek Info Doc '24.docx